🛒 Let’s race
KEPR creates social distancing summary
Jackalope Bar and Grill co-owner says “The repercussions of us being shut down are scarier than coronavirus”
Pasco Schools open on Monday for kids to take belongings home; food available for children beginning Tuesday
Richland and Kennewick schools have also released their meal assistance plans for students and other resources during school closures.
City of Richland seeks applications for youth position on Parks and Rec. board
Restaurants embrace curbside and delivery during shutdown
✨ Fresh links
Richland woman donates time, shopping for those stuck at home Does antibacterial soap fight Coronavirus better than plain? 360 Automotive and Repair gifting $5,000 in restaurant gift cards to grocery store workers Mid-Columbia Meals on Wheels makes changes to continue feeding seniors amid COVID-19 outbreak Mid-Columbia Libraries closes 12 branches and Bookmobile until April 24 Kadlec stops accepting visitors Safeway, Albertsons to hire 400 in our area immediately🌐 Our projects
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👇 This week’s links
Inslee shuts down restaurants and bars amid Coronavirus concernThis follows Inslees’s Friday announcment to close all K-12 schools statewide for six weeks beginning March 17.
Tri-Cities schools close, plan for childcare and meal distribution during closure Benton County ballots counted. Franklin reports 200 left Tri-Citians react to Coronavirus outbreak Boys & Girls Club commits to remaining open to fill childcare needs Franklin PUD suspends power shutoffs